About Us
Thank you for taking the time to find out about Mainline Track.
Quite simply, We’re here to make buying earthmoving wear-parts easy.
What started with humble beginnings in 2010 specialising in rubber tracks and pads has grown into New Zealand’s most trusted provider of earthmoving wear-parts for excavators and dozers up to 40 tonne.

Our difference is simple – we see things from your perspective. We understand your problems and frustrations. In a market saturated with ‘cheap’ products whilst claiming ‘highest quality’ (contradictory right?!) we turn this on its head and look for problems to solve.
Real innovation is what delivers real value and our products meet head-on operator frustrations in the field. We are totally committed to making it easy for you to maintain your machinery uptime and this extends right through our business from R&D to the people who answer your call or enquiry.

Our ‘easy’ experience is built on 4 core pillars of performance that you can hold us to at all times
Our Pillars of Performance
We’re energetically efficient
We are passionately can-do
We are totally reliable
We are driven by innovation
Making it easy to buy tough innovative earthmoving wear-parts and attachments
Earthmoving without wear-part frustrations
To those of you who are already familiar and trading with Mainline Track, I’d like to say thank you for your support and to those who are yet to experience our difference, I’d like to welcome you onto our journey as we track towards our vision of an earthmoving industry without wear-part frustrations!

Truan Bailey
Managing Director